Woman, Her Lover Sentenced Life Imprisonment for Husband’s Murder

Sundargarh: The Sundergarh district and sessions court of Odisha sentenced a woman and her lover to life imprisonment for killing her husband. The convicts are Situ Panda (37) and her lover Biswaranjan Gupta (43).

The court also imposed fine of Rs 5,000 fine on each convict. In default of the payment of the fine, they would spend six months more in jail.

The murder was committed on October 19, 2013 at Brahmanpada under Sundergarh Town Police Station. Situ and her lover Biswaranjan stabbed her husband Gatikrishna Purohit with a knife to kill him. Then they buried the body in a bamboo forest under the Hemagiri police station.

Both were convicted by the court on the basis of the statements of 27 witnesses and scientific evidence. The court has directed payment of Rs 10 lakh to the daughter of deceased Gatikrushna.

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