8-Year-Old Girl Sexually Harassed by Grocery Shop Employee In Mumbai

Mumbai: A 39-year-old employee of a grocery shop was arrested in central Mumbai for allegedly sexually assaulting an 8-year-old girl.

The child faced sexual assault when she went to the grocery shop in the Kalachowki area in central Mumbai on Tuesday evening to buy biscuits.

On the pretext of giving biscuits, the man called the girl inside the shop and allegedly touched her inappropriately.

She rescued herself when the accused tried to remove her clothes. The girl was aware of “good touch and bad touch” due to which she realised the intention of the grocery store employee and escaped from the shop and alerted her mother, said the investigating police officials.

The girl’s mother went to the shop to confront the employee and found him drunk. The man also misbehaved with the girl’s mother.

The mother filed a police complaint against him and the accused was arrested and booked for sexual assault under the Indian Penal Code and Protection of Children of Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act.

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