CSIR-NET Exam Scam, 3 Question Solvers, 4 Candidates Arrested in UP

Lucknow: Three persons including the IT manager of a Meerut-based private university were arrested for allegedly solving questions of the online CSIR-NET exam for candidates by the Uttar Pradesh Police’s Special Task Force (STF). Four candidates have also been arrested.

They were using a remote access software for their misdeed.

The exam was conducted from July 25 to July 27 by a company called NSEIT.

According to a statement of the STF, all the accused were arrested on July 26 from the exam centre at the Subharti University.

The arrested persons included Arun Sharma, the IT manager at Subharti University, Vineet Kumar, a computer lab assistant at the university, and Ankur Saini, a server operator at NSEIT. The four arrested candidates were from Haryana.

On July 26, the STF received information that in the online CSIR-NET exam being held in the computer lab of the law faculty of the Subharti University, the IT manager had set up an unauthorised system in his room away from the lab and was using a remote access software to solve questions.

The arrested candidates allegedly paid huge amounts of money to get the questions of the exam solved.

The arrested persons have been booked under the BNS, Uttar Pradesh Public Examinations (Prevention of Unfair Means) Act and the IT Act.


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