Security Guard Rapes Corpse of 79-Yr-Old Woman in US, Arrested

A hospital security guard named Randall Bird was arrested in Arizona of the United States for allegedly having sex with a 79-year-old woman’s dead body inside a morgue.

According to the New York Post, this gruesome incident took place inside the Banner University Medical Center morgue in Phoenix

On October 22, the 46-year-old security guard, who was in charge of taking the dead bodies to the freezer in the morgue, allegedly committed the sickening crime.

Two witnesses caught the man with his belt off, zipper down and his uniform looking “messy” on October 22, stated the court document. The elderly woman’s body bag was unzipped and there was evidence that Bird was involved in sex with the dead body.

Although the culprit denied the crime during interrogation by police, yet his DNA left at the scene and injuries on the dead woman’s body nailed him.  He was arrested on Tuesday. The hospital also terminated him from his job.



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