US Based IT Company Fined Rs 32 Lakh for Posting “White Only” Job Ad

An IT company from Virginia in the US was fined $38,500 (Rs 32,11,177) for a job advertisement that sought only white US borne candidates, reported BBC.

This discriminatory “White Only” job advertisement for the post of business analyst was posted by Arthur Grand Technologies in March 2023. In a bold note, the advertisement stated that it was for ”Only Born US Citizens [White] who are local within 60 miles from Dallas,” stated a Justice Department release.

This discriminatory ad sparked outrage on social media, and the Justice Department and the Department of Labor initiated an investigation. The US Department of Justice announced the penalty, stating the ad violated federal civil rights and labour laws.

Arthur Grand has been ordered to pay $7,500 in civil penalties to the US treasury as well as $31,000 in total compensation to people who filed complaints over the incident.

However, the company said the ad was ”generated by a disgruntled recruiter in India and was intended to embarrass the company.”

In a statement to CNN, the company’s CEO Sheik Rahmathullah said said it “vehemently denies any guilt or wrongdoing. This unauthorized posting was made by an upset employee on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) from their email address and account.”

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