Use of Jackie Shroff’s Name, Voice Without Permission Restrained by Delhi High Court

New Delhi: The Delhi High Court has restrained various entities from using actor Jackie Shroff’s name, including “Jackie” and “Jaggu Dadda”, voice and images for commercial purposes without permission.

In an interim order dated May 15, Justice Sanjeev Narula, said the entities selling wallpapers, T-shirts and posters on e-commerce websites and operating an Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbot platform were prima facie acting in violation of the actor’s personality and publicity rights by exploiting and misappropriating his attributes.

The judge also passed the direction against two content creators who published videos of Shroff with “extremely profane words and abuses”.

The court issued notice to other entities with respect to the alleged violation of his rights, including a YouTube content creator hosting an allegedly derogatory video and a restaurant owner using the registered trademark “Bhidu” for his outlet.

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