Scientists Find 7 Stars With Signs of Having Advanced Alien Civilizations

An international team of researchers, based in Sweden, India, the US and the UK, have found a way to search for unimaginably complex alien mega structures, known as Dyson spheres, according to a report published in Science Alert.

A Dyson sphere is thought to be a highly sophisticated technology that allows an extremely advanced alien civilization to harness all of a star’s energy.

The team of scientists created ”Project Hephaistos” to find Dyson Spheres, or rather their technosignatures. They published their results in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Academy of Sciences.

These scientists claim that they’ve identified seven of these Dyson spheres in the cosmos after filtering through millions of potential space objects. Scientists believe that only civilisations capable of such a project. The team now wants to perform an optical spectroscopy to better understand the seven candidates.

The prospect of the Dyson sphere was first proposed by physicist and astronomer Freeman J. Dyson back in 1960. As per, the idea behind this is that the aliens commandeering this multi-faceted sphere would use it to harness the energy of the star to fulfil the energy needs of its technologically sophisticated people.

The team analysed data gathered by the European Space Agency’s Gaia map of stars, as well as the 2MASS infrared astronomical survey and NASA’s WISE infrared astronomy space telescope.

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