Pet Dog Guards Body of Master from Wild Animals for 48 Hrs Amid Snow in Himachal Pradesh

New Delhi: Showing unbelievable loyalty, a German Shepherd dog named Alpha guarded the body of his master Abhinandan Gupta at a height of 9,000 feet amid snow for 48 hours in Himachal Pradesh’s Bir-Billing in Kangra district.

According to reports Alpha saved the bodies of his master and his friend from carnivores like black bears and leopards, which are found in the area. The bodies bore signs of attack by wild animals.

Abhinandan and his friend Parnita Bal Sahib from Pune had gone to Billing, a popular tourist spot on Sunday by a private car. Because of heavy snow, they left their car and travelled on foot along with the pet dog Alpha to reach Billing.  It is suspected that during their journey they slipped in heavy snow, fell into a deep gorge and died because of acute cold conditions and injuries.

The rescue team comprising the police and paragliders found the dog sitting near the bodies and wailing in grief. Alpha was also injured. But guarded the bodies for 48 hours in the snow till Tuesday, when rescue teams reached the spot.

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