Couple Divorces Just 3 Minutes After Wedding Following Groom’s Insult

In a shocking turn of events, a newlywed Kuwaiti couple’s marriage lasted just three minutes after the groom insulted his bride outside the courthouse. The incident, which occurred in 2019, has recently resurfaced on social media, sparking discussions about respect in relationships.

According to reports, the bride stumbled while leaving the courthouse after their wedding ceremony. The groom allegedly called her “stupid” for tripping, prompting the bride to immediately request an annulment from the judge who had just officiated their union. The judge granted the request, effectively ending what may be the shortest marriage in history.

This story has reignited debates online about the importance of mutual respect in marriages. Social media users have expressed support for the bride’s decision, with many citing the groom’s behaviour as a red flag for potential future issues.

The incident draws comparisons to a 2004 case in the UK, where a couple divorced after only 90 minutes of marriage. In that instance, the bride reportedly struck her husband with an ashtray following his controversial toast to her bridesmaids.

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