Mumbai: Following the Election Commission’s (EC) decision to allot the Shiv Sena name and symbol to the Eknath Shinde faction, MP Sanjay Raut has made an explosive claim against the Maharashtra CM group.
Raut’s surprising remarks came a day after the Enforcement Directorate (ED) urged the Bombay High Court on Saturday to cancel the MP’s and others’ ‘perverse’ bail.
On Sunday, Raut said that financial deals worth over Rs 2,000 crore had already been completed for the original ‘Shiv Sena’ name and ‘Bow-and-Arrow’ emblem.
“I have credible information… I am confident… This is merely the primary figure, and it is 100% correct,” Raut tweeted.
“I have got reliable information… I am confident… This is only the primary figure and it is 100 per cent correct,” said Raut in a series of tweets.
“This is unprecedented in the country’s history… Some more revelations will be made soon,” said Raut, in an allegation that can be viewed as pointing fingers at the Election Commission of India (ECI).
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