Supreme Court Goes Paperless: Embracing State-of-the-Art Technology for Enhanced Efficiency

New Delhi: The Supreme Court is set to adopt a paperless system starting July 3, incorporating advanced technology. The implementation will begin in courts 1, 2, and 3, gradually expanding to other courts. The modernization includes pop-up screens for judges, replacing physical document copies, and a digital library to replace traditional law-related books.

Courtrooms will be equipped with two large screens for lawyers to interact with counsel appearing via video conferences. Additionally, judges will have access to a document viewer technology, allowing documents to be viewed by lawyers on their screens and on a larger display. Lawyers will be provided with smart screens for convenient access to files and documents.

To accommodate the new technology, some furniture changes will be made in the courtrooms, and old fans will be replaced with smaller and more efficient ones.

These changes were suggested by Chief Justice of India D Y Chandrachud, with the aim of creating tech-friendly courts and transitioning to a paperless system. To save paper, the Supreme Court has also introduced the online issuance of slips.

Lawyers will now be required to inform court staff about relevant judgments they will be citing, which will be searched online and shared with judges during the proceedings. Furthermore, the courtrooms will feature a new display board with additional features.

The Supreme Court’s transition to a paperless system and integration of modern technology aims to enhance efficiency and accessibility in court proceedings.

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