Chinese Billionaire Jack Ma Makes Surprise Appearance in Pakistan

Chinese billionaire Jack Ma made a surprise visit to Pakistan. He reached Lahore from Nepal’s Kathmandu, sources said.

Alibaba co-founder Jack Ma’s visit to Pakistan’s Lahore was confirmed by former chairman of the Board of Investment (BOI), Pakistan, Muhammad Azfar Ahsan.

Jack Ma was reported to be on a personal visit to Pakistan on June 29 and stayed there for 23 hours.

“He avoided interacting with government officials or media,” said Ahsan.

The purpose of Ma’s visit has not been revealed. Ma was accompanied by a delegation of seven businessmen, consisting of five Chinese nationals, a Danish individual, and a US citizen, reports said. They reached Pakistan from Nepal via a chartered flight.

It is being speculated that Ma and his team may be exploring business opportunities in Pakistan.

Ahsan in a tweet clarified that Ma’s visit was strictly for personal purposes. Interestingly, even the Chinese embassy was unaware of the details of Ma’s visit.

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