King Charles III Will Celebrate His Birthday Twice a Year! Know Why

On November 14 last year, King Charles III celebrated his birthday. But he will again celebrate his birthday on Saturday as part of the British royal tradition.

This public celebration of the British monarch’s birthday being held on Saturday is known as Trooping the Colour. It is a military parade to mark the official birthdays of British sovereigns. This will be King Charles III’s first birthday parade as a sovereign.

According to the official website of the British Royal Family, for the past 260 years, the Trooping the Colour event is being held. It involves parading soldiers, horses, and musicians.

The parade for King Charles III will also have a Royal Air Force fly-past, and a 41-gun salute in Green Park.

The Trooping the Colour parade was first held in 1748 during the reign of King George II, who was born on October 30. He wanted to celebrate his birthday in better summer weather. So, till now the ceremonial birthday parade is held in the month of June.

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