Was Turkey, Syria Earthquake Predicted 3 Days Before its Happening?

Geologists and seismologists say earthquakes cannot be predicted beforehand and there is no accurate method of forecasting earthquakes. But if social media is to be believed then 3 days back, a Dutch researcher named Frank Hoogerbeets predicted the major earthquake that happened in Turkey and Syria on Monday. Frank Hoogerbeets from the Netherlands is a researcher with Solar System Geometry Survey (SSGEOS) that studies seismic activity.

Through a tweet, he predicted that “Sooner or later there will be a 7.5 magnitude earthquake in the region around South-Central Turkey, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon.

But many on Twitter flagged him as a pseudo-scientist and questioned his earlier predictions.

Seismologists usually dismiss the predictions of Frank Hoogerbeets as misleading and unscientific. But Frank Hoogerbeets continues to tweet his predictions on possible tremors around the world.


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