Elon Musk Sets His Sights on Uranus After Mars Colonization Plans

Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX, has set his sights on a new celestial target: the seventh planet, Uranus.

In a recent post, Musk expressed his ambition to establish human settlements not only on Mars but also on Uranus, stating, “My dream is to reach Uranus.” He stressed the importance of expanding humanity’s reach beyond Earth, envisioning a future where civilizations thrive on multiple planets.

Musk’s interest in Uranus comes after his earlier goal to establish a human settlement on Mars. In February, he outlined plans to send a million people to Mars, highlighting the need for humanity to become a multi-planetary species. His vision aims to ensure the survival of civilization even if Earth’s supply routes are cut off.

Elon Musk, currently the world’s richest person with a net worth of $209.9 billion according to Forbes, resides in Austin, Texas. He is known for his innovative ventures, including SpaceX, Tesla, and Neuralink. With a degree in Arts and Science from the University of Pennsylvania, Musk continues to push the boundaries of space exploration and technological innovation.

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