Odisha Police Issues Warning Against WhatsApp Calls from Pakistan Numbers

Bhubaneswar: The Odisha police have issued a warning regarding WhatsApp calls originating from +92 numbers, signaling potential threats from criminal elements. The alert is to aware people about a concerning trend wherein criminals utilize WhatsApp calls and impersonate police officers to extort money from unsuspecting victims.

According to the police advisory, individuals have reported instances of receiving WhatsApp calls from Pakistan numbers, accompanied by fabricated narratives involving purported issues with their loved ones.

The Odisha police have urged the public to exercise vigilance and caution when encountering calls from Pakistani numbers, highlighting the shared post across various platforms as part of their awareness campaign.

It is imperative for citizens to remain vigilant and refrain from divulging personal or financial information over WhatsApp calls from unfamiliar numbers, particularly those originating from Pakistan.

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