Watch: Ukraine MP Punches Russian Rep at Global Meet for Snatching Ukraine Flag

A one-on-one fight broke out at an international conference when a Russian representative snatched away a Ukraine flag from a lawmaker of the country. A viral video of the incident started making rounds on social media on Friday morning.

This startling incident occurred in Turkey’s capital Ankara during the 61st Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Community on Thursday.

Ukrainian Oleksandr Marikovskyi was seen holding his country’s flag when the unidentified Russian representative ripped his flag and started walking away. The Ukrainian MP chased the Russian down and started punching him.

Sharing a video of the incident on Facebook, he wrote in Ukrainian: “Paws away from our flag.”

The Black Sea Economic Community was formed over 30 years ago and both Russia and Ukraine are its members. It aims at “working towards peace, stability and prosperity in the Black Sea region.”

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