Man Missing For 26 Years Found Alive In Neighbour’s Basement In Algeria

In a shocking turn of events, Omar Bin Omran, an Algerian man who went missing at the age of 19, has been found alive after being held captive for over two decades by his neighbour. The 45-year-old was discovered in a hay-covered cellar at a sheep farm belonging to his captor, located just 100 meters from his family’s home in the Djelfa state of Algeria.

Cops discovered Omran on Sunday after a tip led them to the home of a 61-year-old civil servant living nearby. The suspect, who lived alone, reportedly attempted to flee when officers arrived but was apprehended.

According to Algerian prosecutors, Omran’s family never gave up hope and recently received a crucial piece of information. A social media post by the suspect’s sibling sparked suspicion, leading Omran’s relatives to contact investigators.

The National Gendarmerie, Algeria’s law enforcement agency, reopened the missing person case and searched the suspect’s property. Their search uncovered a hay-covered trapdoor leading to a concealed cellar where they found Omran.

Tragically, Omran’s mother, who had never given up hope of finding her son, passed away in 2013 without witnessing his rescue. The family had initially believed that Omran might have fallen victim to the civil war that plagued Algeria during the 1990s and early 2000s.

In a chilling detail, the family noticed their dog, to whom Omran was very close, consistently lingering at the neighbour’s home for nearly a month after his disappearance. Shortly after, they found the dog’s body, suspected to have been poisoned.

Omran himself has reportedly stated that he could see his family members from a window in the cellar but was unable to call out due to an inexplicable “compelling force” that prevented him from doing so.

The Djelfa Attorney General’s Office has confirmed that Omran has been taken to a medical centre for treatment, while the suspect will face trial for his heinous actions.

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