5 Odisha Fishermen Allegedly Kidnapped by Intruding Andhra Trawler

Berhampur: Five fishermen from Odisha’s Ganjam district were allegedly kidnapped by a group of fishermen of an Andhra Pradesh trawler.

All the abducted fishermen are from Arjyapalli village on the Ganjam district coast. They were among 19 fishermen from the village who had gone into the sea in their country-made boats to fish on Friday.

They located an Andhra Pradesh trawler that was illegally fishing in Odisha waters. It resulted in an altercation between the two groups of fishermen.

It is alleged that the Andhra Pradesh fishermen kidnapped six Odisha fishermen to show up their strength and defiance.

One of them managed to escape and managed to reach the shore to describe the whole event.

A formal complaint in connection with the incident has been lodged with the marine police station.

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