Biden & Trump Make Personal Attacks on Each Other During Presidential Debate

President Joe Biden and his Republican rival Donald Trump made personal attacks on each other during the first of the presidential debates

They called each other a liar and the worst president in the history of the US.

During their roughly 90-minute debate on Thursday night, Biden called Trump a sucker and loser. On the age factor, 81-year-old Biden reminded that 78-year-old Trump is just three years younger than him.

Trump called Biden a criminal after the latter called him a “convicted felon,” referring to his conviction in a New York hush-money case.

“Joe could be a convicted felon with all of the things that he’s done, he’s done horrible things. This man is a criminal. You’re lucky, I did nothing wrong. We have a system that was rigged and disgusting,” Trump said.

Biden accused Trump that he does not know what he is talking about. “He has no idea what the hell he’s talking about. I’ve never heard so much foolishness. This is the guy who wants to get out of NATO. You’re going to stay in NATO? He’s going to pull out of NATO,” Biden said.

Targeting Trump, Biden said, “How many billions of dollars do you owe in civil penalties for, for molesting a woman in public, doing a whole range of things, for having sex with a porn star on the night — while your wife was pregnant? What are you talking about? You have the morals of an alley cat.”

Trump slammed his successor Biden on his immigration policies, alleging that it made the country insecure.

“We’re literally, an uncivilised country now. He doesn’t want it to be. He just doesn’t know. He opened the borders. Nobody’s ever seen anything like, and we have to get a lot of these people out and we have to get them out fast because they’re going to destroy our country,” Trump said.

Trump said that during his presidency they killed terrorists overseas. “The people we killed are al-Baghdadi and Soleimani. The two greatest terrorists…And it had a huge impact on everything, not just border…” he said.

“They’re killing our people in New York, California, every state in the union because we don’t have borders anymore. Every state is now a border. And because of his ridiculous, insane and very stupid policies, people are coming in and they’re killing our citizens at a level that we’ve never seen. We call it migrant crime,” Trump said.

In the end, Trump was asked if he would accept the results of the 2024 election. The former president said he’ll accept the election result if he thinks it’s fair. However, Biden said, “I doubt whether you’ll accept it.”

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