Chandrayaan-3 Gets Closer to Moon, At a distance of 150 Km

New Delhi: Chandrayaan-3 got closer to the lunar surface on Monday with ISRO’s another successful maneuver of the spacecraft.

“Orbit circularisation phase commences. Precise maneuver performed today has achieved a near-circular orbit of 150 km x 177 km,” ISRO said in a tweet.

According to the ISRO, Chandrayaan-3 is now moving around in a “near-circular orbit” around the Moon.

Chandrayaan-3 was launche don July 14. It entered the lunar orbit on August 5. Two orbit reduction maneuvers were carried out on the spacecraft on August 6 and 9.

The next orbit reduction operation is planned for August 16 to position it over the lunar poles. At that time it will reach 100 km orbit.

After that the landing module, comprising the lander and rover will break away from the propulsion module to make a soft landing on the south polar region of the Moon on August 23.

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