Check Suna Besha Traffic Management in Puri, Use AI-Powered Chatbot

Puri: The Odisha Police has introduced a QR code that enables commuters to avoid traffic jams by utilising an AI-powered chatbot.

“Stay out of traffic jams during Suna Besha 2024 by utilising the AI-powered chatbot. Acquire real-time updates, avoid delays, and discover the most efficient routes. Sending a simple ‘Hi’ will enable you to navigate without any issues,” the Odisha police said on X.

Traffic Mobility Plan for Suna Besha on 17th July 2024:

Inter-State Tourist Buses, Reserve Buses, etc.:

All Inter-State Tourist Buses, Tourist Buses within the State, and Reserve Buses coming from Bhubaneswar towards Puri will stop and park at Malatipatpur Bus Stand. Their return will be via Satyabadi, Pipili, and Uttara.

Reserve/Tourist Buses coming from the Konark side will park at Nagapatna Parking and return on the same route.

Reserve/Tourist Buses from the Brahmagiri side will be allowed up to Flourish India near Mangalaghat Chowk and return on the same route.

Regular Passenger Buses Coming from Bhubaneswar:

Local passenger buses, canters, MO Bus, and OSRTC buses will not be allowed to the Municipality Bus Stand, Puri.

These buses from Bhubaneswar will be allowed up to Talabania Temporary Bus Stand via Malatipatapur ROB, Baidas Nagar Chowk, Grid Station Chowk, and Bhudan Chowk.

Return Route-Plan:

Regular buses will return from Talabania Temporary Bus Stand via Central School Chowk, Bhudan Chowk, Grid Station Chowk, Balighat, Gopalpur, Samangara village, Biraharekrushnapur Bazar, and Batagaon to NH-316.

Regular Passenger Buses from Brahmagiri:

Buses from Brahmagiri will ply up to Talabania Parking Place via Malatipatapur ROB, Baidas Nagar, Grid Station Chowk, and Bhudan Chowk, and will return on the same route.

Regular Passenger Buses from Konark:

Buses from Konark will be diverted to Talabania Parking Place via Grid Station Crossing and will return on the same route.

Light Vehicles without Pass Holders:

Light vehicles coming to Puri on NH-316 will be diverted from Malatipatapur to University Campus, ITI Parking, Helipad, Bhudan Chowk, Indoor stadium via ROB to Grid Station, Baidas Nagar Chowk, and Talabania.

Once University Campus and ITI parking are filled, vehicles will be parked at Indoor Stadium Parking and Helipad Parking, Fish Market near Talabania PS, and Horticulture Parking.

Vehicles from Konark side will follow the same route. Those reaching Toshali Sands Crossing on Marine Drive Road will be directed to ITI parking and helipad parking on a first-come, first-served basis.

Vehicles from Brahmagiri side will be diverted from Mangalaghat Chowk to Yatrika Parking Place and Nali field near Lighthouse Chowk.

Samanga 4-Wheeler Parking:

In case of a heavy influx of LMVs from Bhubaneswar, vehicles will be allowed to park at Samanga parking place via Malatipatpur, Batagaon, Shree Setu diversion point, Mangalaghat, and the entry point of Samanga parking. Vehicles will return on the same route.

Return Route-Plan:

All light vehicles will return from respective parking places via ITI, PKRIT, Central School Grid Station Chowk, Balighat, Biraharekrushnapur, Batagaon, and NH-316 (Puri-Bhubaneswar).

In case of congestion on NH 316, light vehicles will be diverted from Grid Station Chowk via Balighai-Nagapatana-Gop-Nimapara-Pipili.

Vehicles will return to Konark via ITI Chaka, PKRIT, Central School, Grid Station Chowk, Baliguali, Nagapatana, and Toshali Sands on Puri-Konark Marine Drive Road.

Light vehicles from Yatrika parking returning to Brahmagiri side will be diverted from Mangalaghat Chowk.

Light Vehicles with Pass Holders:

Light vehicles with car passes on NH 316 will be diverted at Batagaon and allowed to park at JBPC Parking Place via Shree Setu, filled on a first-come basis.

After JBPC Parking is full, vehicles will park at Gadadhar High School via Mangalaghat, Sterlin Chowk, Co-copalm, and Brushava Chowk.

After Lokanath Parking is full, vehicles will park at Yatrika Parking and Nali field parking. They will return the same way.

Dead body-carrying vehicles with one accompanying vehicle can go up to Swargadwar on the same route as pass holder vehicles and return the same way.

Two-Wheelers from Bhubaneswar:

Two-wheelers on NH-316 will park at the Old JBPC parking place via Malatipatapur, Batagoan, Shree Setu, and Devi Ghat. When Old JBPC parking is filled, two-wheelers will park at Matitota.

Vehicles parked at Old JBPC will return via Jatia Baba Chowk, Kumbharapda PS, Atharanala, Charinala, and Batagaon.

Vehicles parked at Matitota will return via Bypass Road towards Batagaon.

Two-Wheelers from Brahmagiri:

Two-wheelers from Brahmagiri will park at Old JBPC Parking Place and Matitota parking place as available. They will return the same way.

Two-Wheelers from Konark:

Two-wheelers from Konark will park at Blue Flag Beach parking via Grid station, CT Road, and Subash Bose Chowk.

Once Blue Flag beach parking is full, two-wheelers will park at Hotel Nilachal Ashok parking and the back of Holiday Resort. No vehicle will use ROB road from Toshali Chowk.

Shuttle Service Route:

Shuttle services (Auto Rickshaw) will route from Talabania to Ram Mandir Chowk via Sadar block office and Odisha bakery Chowk.

Return will be allowed from Ram Mandir Chowk to Talabania via Shreekhetra Colony and Mangala Temple.

Another shuttle service will run from Malatipatapur Bus Stand to Atharanala, returning the same way.

Some shuttle buses will run between Subas Bose Chowk and Light House Chowk.

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