Lover Arrested for Female Postmaster’s Murder in Sundargarh

Sundargarh: Police arrested Nayan Seth in connection to the murder of the woman postmaster Snigdha Pradhan, whose body was recovered from a field in Lefripada police station limits in Sundargarh district.

According to police sources, Nayan was the boyfriend of Snigdha. Because of the suspicion that Snigdha was loyal to him, Nayan murdered her.

Nayan killed Snigdha by stabbing her repeatedly. As per the investigating police officials, Nayan and Snigdha had met on Monday and had an altercation over infidelity charges made by Nayan.

During their argument, an infuriated Nayan allegedly stabbed Snigdha multiple times.

Nayan is reported to have confessed his crime before the police. He admitted that it was a preplanned murder as he had bought a new knife for the purpose.

After murdering Snigdha, Nayan informed Snighdha’s mother about the location of her disposed body through a Whatsapp message.

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