Mobile Internet Suspended in Nuh as Hindu Group Plans Yatra on Aug 28

New Delhi: Mobile internet services and bulk SMS were suspended in Haryana’s communal violence-hit Nuh for two days as the right-wing Hindutva outfits refused to cancel their August 28 Brij Mandal Jal Abhishek Yatra despite the denial of permission by the district administration.

The state home department said that mobile internet services and bulk SMS will remain suspended in Nuh for August 27 and 28 as a precautionary measure to stop the spread of rumours and misinformation campaigns.

The state home department, however, said that individual SMS, mobile recharge, banking SMS, voice calls, broadband internet services, and services of lease lines of corporate and domestic households will be exempted from the suspension.

On Wednesday, members of Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal said the procession that was disrupted on July 31 will be carried out on August 28.

On July 31, communal riots and arson hit Nuh after an incident of stone pelting on a religious procession by some miscreants. At least six people died and more than 80 sustained injuries in the ensuing communal clashes.

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