Nude Woman Shoots at Cars on Highway in America

In a weird happening a naked woman came out of her car and started shooting at passing vehicles during rush hour on the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge.

Luckily no injury was reported and the armed woman was overpowered and taken into custody by the highway patrol.

At first, this woman stopped in the middle of her lane, got out of her car with a knife, and started yelling.

Then she reentered her car, drove a short distance, and got naked to get out of the car with a gun in hand. Yelling at passing vehicles she fired into the air and passing automobiles.

California Highway Patrol reached the spot and persuaded the naked vagrant to put down her gun. After briefly refusing to do so, she put down her weapon and was taken into police custody, New York Post reported.

Because of this incident, the concerned span of the highway remained closed for more than an hour eastbound, with residual delays lasting through the evening.

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