5 Members of Gang of Cyber Fraudsters Nabbed by Commissionerate Police

Bhubaneswar: Five members of a gang of cybercriminals were arrested by the Bhubaneswar-Cuttack Commissionerate Police. They had allegedly conned people of lakhs of rupees.

These five members of the cyber fraud gang were arrested from Tripura, Kochi, Assam and Andhra Pradesh.

According to police sources, their modus operandi was to call up their targeted persons and telling them that parcels booked in their names containing drugs had been seized by the Mumbai Crime Branch and a case had been registered against them. The fraudsters promised to save them from arrest for a price. Fearing arrest, the gullible victims would transfer a huge amount to the accounts of cheats.

As per a complaint lodged at Bhubaneswar cyber police station in May, they had duped a victim of Rs 36 lakhs.

The victim got a call from FedEx informing him that a parcel was booked in his AADHAAR number. Then the call was transferred to the Mumbai Crime Branch. A person in uniform introduced himself as a cop through Skype. Out of fear, the victim transferred Rs 36 lakhs to an account.

Investigating police officials have found that the kingpin of this gang is operating from outside the country. Efforts are on to nab him.

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