Online Gambling Addict Kills 74-Yr-Old Woman, Steals Her Gold, Sets Her House on Fire in Maharashtra

Mumbai: An online gambling addict Abhimanyu Gupta (35) was arrested in Bhiwandi in Thane district of Maharashtra for allegedly murdering a 74-year-old woman, stealing her gold ornaments and then torching her house to destroy evidence. The incident took place in Zatewada on August 14. The accused attacked and killed the victim Sevamary Augustin Nadar by slitting her throat to steal her gold ornaments. He then set her house on fire to destroy evidence.

The accused was arrested from a lodge in Thane on Saturday.

A police investigation revealed that Gupta was addicted to online gambling. He had lost more than Rs 2 lakh, due to which he planned the robbery at Nadar’s home.

The accused was employed in the dairy run by the victim’s son, so he had details of the family.

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