Use this method to eliminate indigestion or constipation problem after eating

Abdominal discomforts after eating, bloating, gas, weight gain are all signs that your digestive system is not functioning properly. The problem can be solved by using this method-

  • Eat jiggery regularly- Take a quarter of a teaspoon of jiggery and chew it every day after meals, then drink warm water. Then walk a little for 10 to 15 minutes. Then the gas will pass and you will feel relief.
  • Have fennel seeds and mishri- Regular consumption of fennel seeds and mishri after meals is always beneficial for digestive problems. Fennel seeds and mishri doubles the speed of digestion.
  • Sit in Bajrashan (Yoga position) – Sitting in bajrashan position for 10 to 15 minutes after having meals can be good.
  • Should run after meals- Practice light walking after regular dinner to keep digestion problems in check and to have a clean stomach in the morning.
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