Afghan Women Demonstrate On Streets Protesting Taliban’s University Ban

Kabul: A group of Afghan women protested defiantly against Taliban legislation barring women from universities on Thursday in Kabul. Several protestors were also reportedly arrested.

The Taliban’s Minister of Higher Education on Tuesday issued an order prohibiting women from enrolling in all public and private universities, marking the latest step toward limiting the rights of women in Afghanistan.

A group of about twenty women marched through the streets waving their hands and yelling slogans while some were wearing masks and hijabs.

Protestors run the risk of being detained, attacked, and facing societal humiliation.

The women originally intended to congregate in front of Kabul University, the largest and most esteemed educational institution in the nation, but they changed their minds after the government stationed a sizable security force there.

In the meantime, the Taliban have recently resumed publicly flogging both males and women, expanding their use of a harsh application of Islamic law.

44 people, including six women, were publicly flogged on Thursday in the provinces of Badakshan and Uruzgan after being found guilty of various crimes, according to the Supreme Court.

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