Artificial Intelligence to Protect Brazilian Amazon Forests

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being used to protect the trees in the Brazilian Amazon forests. Small, artificially intelligent boxes are being attached to tree trunks in the Brazilian Amazon to save them from the timber mafia.

These AI boxes are named “curupiras”, creature in Brazilian folklore, who preys on hunters and poachers.

These AI sensors identify the sounds of chainsaws and tractors, or anything that could cause deforestation. These AI-operated devices can differentiate between sounds threatening forests from natural sounds of the forest, such as animals, vegetation and rain.

When a threat sound is recognized, the location and other details get transmitted to a central point and to agents deployed to deal with it.

This AI system can recognize a threat to jungles in real-time. The curupiras can detect “when the destruction starts.” These can relay data up to one kilometre via satellite to others in a network.


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