Mysterious ‘Robot Suicide’ Shakes South Korean City Council

Seoul: A startling incident at the Gumi City Council in South Korea has ignited nationwide debate following what many are calling the country’s first “robot suicide.” The incident occurred at around 4 pm last Thursday, leaving the locals baffled.

The robot, known as the ‘Robot Supervisor,’ was found in pieces at the bottom of a stairwell between the first and second floors of the council building. Eyewitnesses reported seeing the robot acting erratically, “circling in one spot as if something was there,” before its fatal fall.

City council officials swiftly responded, collecting the robot’s remains for analysis. While the cause of the fall is still unknown, the incident has raised questions about the robot’s workload and its broader implications.

Since its employment in August 2023, the versatile robot had become an essential part of the city hall. It performed various tasks, including document delivery, city promotion, and resident assistance, operating from 9 am to 6 pm and navigating floors using elevators—a rare feature for its kind.

Developed by California-based Bear Robotics, the robot differed from typical robot waiters with its extensive range of duties.

For now, the Gumi City Council has decided against replacing the robot, pausing their automation plans. This event has prompted a moment of reflection in a nation renowned for its enthusiasm for technology.

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