Indian Nurse’s Plea Against Death Sentence Rejected by Yemen Supreme Court

New Delhi: An appeal against the death sentence of Nimisha Priya, an Indian nurse from Kerala was rejected by the Supreme Court of Yemen.

Priya was convicted for the murder of a Yemeni national Talal Abdo Mahdi by injecting him with sedatives to retrieve her passport from his possession. She has been in Yemeni prison since 2017.

The Delhi High Court on Thursday urged the Centre to make a decision within a week on a request from Priya’s mother to travel to Yemen.

Priya’s mother reportedly wants to travel to Yemen to negotiate “blood money” or compensation with Mahdi’s family to secure her release.

The “Save Nimisha Priya International Action Council”, a group advocating for Priya’s release, approached the high court in 2022, imploring the Centre to  “facilitate diplomatic interventions as well as negotiations with the family of the victim on behalf of Nimisha Priya to save her life by paying blood money in accordance with the law of the land in a time-bound manner”.

However, the high court refused to issue an order to the Centre to negotiate the “blood money” to save Priya.

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