Nikki Haley Faces Backlash for Signing “Finish Them!” On Israeli Shells

Former Republican presidential candidate and South Carolina governor Nikki Haley sparked international condemnation during her recent visit to Israel’s northern border with Lebanon. While touring the area, Haley was seen signing Israeli artillery shells with the chilling inscription “Finish Them!”

The controversial action took place amid escalating tensions and a devastating military offensive in Gaza that has reportedly claimed the lives of over 36,000 Palestinians, including an estimated 15,000 children. Israel’s recent bombardment of a camp in Rafah which displaced Palestinians, drew global criticism.

Despite the grim toll, Haley voiced her unwavering support for Israel and criticized the Biden administration’s decision to temporarily withhold weapons, aimed at discouraging an Israeli attack on the southern Gaza city of Rafah. She also condemned the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which are respectively seeking Netanyahu’s arrest and considering charges of genocide against Israel.

Haley’s visit also included a trip to southern Israel, where she met with survivors of the October 7 Hamas attack, which resulted in approximately 1,200 deaths and the kidnapping of another 253 people.

The photo of Nikki Haley signing the missile and the inscription on the artillery shells was widely shared on social media platforms, sparking outrage from users who condemned the former Republican presidential nominee for endorsing weapons that could bring death and destruction.

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