Pilot Survived Deadly Kathmandu Plane Crash as Cockpit Got Detached Miraculously

Captain Manish Raj Shakya became the lone survivor of the deadly plane crash in Nepal’s Kathmandu in which 18 others on board died. He escaped death as the cockpit of the plane miraculously got detached by a freight container seconds before the rest of the aircraft went up in flames, stated media reports.

The Saurya Airlines aircraft was carrying 19 people, including two crew members, technical staff of the airline and a child and his mother. It was reduced to ashes shortly after taking off from the Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA), Kathmandu on Wednesday.

The ill-fated aircraft was travelling to Pokhara International Airport for regular maintenance service.

According to Airport security personnel, when the plane hit the container, the front part of the cockpit got stuck in it. The rest of the plane fell to the ground reaching another side of the ground.

Captain Shakya, 37, was rescued from inside the container which was on the TIA premises. He is admitted to Kathmandu Medical College (KMC).

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