Scientists Recreate Face “Richest Man Who Ever Lived” on Earth

Scientists have created the face of an Egyptian king, Pharaoh Amenhotep III who is considered the richest man who ever lived on earth. A multinational team of scientists used the data from the skull of his mummy to reveal how Amenhotep III really looked like.

According to a report in New York Post, this is the first time in 3,400 years that the face of Amenhotep III, the grandfather of Tutenkhamun, has been recreated.

Amenhotep III ruled Egypt in the 14th century BC and was worshipped as living god. He has more surviving statues than any other Pharaoh of Egypt.

Data from skull of the mummy of Pharaoh along with data from living donors were used to assess the dimensions and position of his nose, ears, eyes and lips.

The final result was the image of a complete bust of the long dead Pharaoh. The clothes and accessories were added to the image.

Some experts say Amenhotep III was an obese, sick, and sedentary man, who was almost bald, and suffered from dental problems. His body height was around 5ft 1 inch making him one of the smallest kings.

But he was one of the richest men that ever lived on earth. He died at the age of 40 or 50 in 1352 BC, reported New York Post.

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