Trove of Gold Treasure Discovered in 1200-Yr Old Tomb in Panama

Archaeologists discovered a 1,200-year-old tomb in Panama with a trove of gold treasures. This tomb also contains remains of possible human sacrifices, reported The Metro.

The ancient tomb was located at El Cano Archaeological Park, around 110 miles from Panama City.

The precious items found in the tomb included a gold shawl, belts, jewellery, and earrings decorated with whale teeth. It is believed that the items were buried with a high-ranking chief of the Cocle culture. The remains of around 32 other people were also found in the tomb. It is suspected that they may have been sacrificed to accompany the leader in the afterlife.

The tomb with the gold treasure is believed to be built in 750 AD for a high-ranking male leader, who was buried face down on top of a female companion, a burial custom for the upper class of that time.

Bracelets, human figure earrings, a crocodile earring, bells, a skirt made of dog teeth, bone flutes, and ceramic items were also found in the tomb.

Excavations at El Cano have been ongoing since 2008. The burial complex, known as a necropolis or city of the dead, was built around 700 AD and abandoned by 1000 AD.


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