WATCH: Bengaluru Man Arrested for Riding Bike with Woman on Lap

Bengaluru: Stunts and public displays of affection (PDAs) on speeding bikes have become a growing concern in various parts of the country, posing a significant risk to public safety and drivers themselves. In a recent incident, a man was caught on camera riding a motorcycle with a woman sitting on his lap, with neither of them wearing helmets in Bengaluru. The video quickly went viral, prompting the city’s traffic police to take action against the driver.

The video, posted on X (formerly Twitter) by the Bengaluru Traffic Police, begins with the woman wrapping her hands around the man’s neck as they speed down the road, prompting a strong reaction from the public and authorities alike. The video features a cautionary message: “Hey thrill-seekers, the road isn’t a stage for stunts! Keep it safe for everyone, including yourselves. Let’s ride responsibly.”

Following the video’s circulation, the Hebbal traffic police tracked down the motorcyclist using the vehicle number and arrested him. The final message in the video reads, “Think safety, ride safely. Protect lives on the road. Bengaluru is a city to cherish, not a place to mess around.”

Public reaction on social media has been intense, with many users demanding penalties for both the rider and the passenger. One user commented, “Both need to be punished. Indiscipline and irresponsible people.” Another added, “Cancel his DL and put him in jail.”

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