Mumbai: In a recent ruling by the District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Central Mumbai, Flipkart has been found guilty of unfair trade practices. The commission ordered the e-commerce giant to compensate a customer with ₹10,000 for the mental harassment he endured due to the cancellation of his iPhone order.
The complainant, a resident of Dadar, Mumbai, placed an order for an iPhone on July 10, 2022, and paid ₹39,628 via credit card. Despite the promised delivery date of July 12, the customer received an SMS six days later stating the cancellation of his order.
Flipkart’s response attributed the cancellation to their delivery partner, Ekart Logistics, stating the customer was unreachable for delivery attempts. However, the commission observed that the cancellation occurred despite the customer’s constant communication with Flipkart regarding the issue.
Flipkart claimed to be a mere intermediary platform, with products sold by independent third-party sellers. However, the commission deemed the cancellation as intentional, aimed at profiting from increased product costs, thus constituting unfair trade practices.
While the refund has been issued, the commission ordered Flipkart to pay ₹10,000 for the mental anguish caused to the customer and ₹3,000 towards legal costs.
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