Pune Woman Aims To Be The Fastest One to Cycle Solo Around The World

Mumbai: Twenty-five-year-old cyclist, Vedangi Kulkarni from Pune aims to take up a 29,251-km solo unsupported bicycle tour in mid-July to become the fastest woman to cycle around the world.

She will start her cycle journey from Finland and will finish in the same country.

In 2018, this Pune-born cyclist took a different route to complete the journey in 159 days to become the fastest Asian to cycle around the globe.

This time, she aims to do it in under 124 days to break the current world record, She is now based in Inverness of Scotland.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke about her in his ‘Mann Ki Baat’ address. She is also the fastest woman to cycle on the arduous Manali-Leh stretch, a trip she took up in 2023.

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