12-Hr Mayurbhanj Bandh by Kurmi Ekta Manch Demanding Tribal Status

Baripada: Normal life was hindered in Baripada and other parts of the Mayurbhanj district on Wednesday as the Kurmi Ekta Manch called for a 12-hour bandh.  The organization is demanding tribal status for the Kurmi community and the inclusion of the Kurmali language in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution.

The protestors resorted to rail roko as part of their bandh call in the Bhanjpur area of the district. They stopped the Bangriposi-Puri train and Shalimar-Puri-Simlipal Express train. Apart from rail traffic, vehicular movement was also affected in the district. Bus services remained off road due to the bandh.

The agitators exempted emergency services like ambulance and healthcare services from the purview of the bandh.

Ekta Manch members are seen picketing at the key locations of Baripada from early morning. Wearing their traditional attire, the manch members appealed to the general public to extend their support to the bandh.


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