Army Called in, Curfew Re-Imposed as Fresh Violence Erupts in Manipur’s Imphal

New Delhi: Fresh violent incidents were reported from Manipur’s capital city Imphal on Monday. Army and paramilitary forces were rushed in. The Meitei and the Kuki communities clashed in the New Checkon area of Imphal about space in a local market, reported NDTV.

Following reports of arson and violence, a curfew was declared. The Internet services remain suspended in the state till May 26.

Manipur has been witness to ethnic clashes for more than a month.

Early this month, clashes had broken out in the hill state after tribals organized a solidarity march on May 3 to protest against the Meiteis’ demand for Scheduled Tribe status. More than 70 people died in the violence that continued for over a week. Property worth crores was torched and thousands left their homes to seek safety in government-organized camps.

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