Heart & Brain Stroke Due to Intense Cold Claims 25 Lives in Kanpur

Kanpur: Severe cold can be fatal for humans. This has been proved during the continuing cold wave in Uttar Pradesh’s Kanpur, where

25 persons died due to heart attack and brain stroke. They suffered cardiac arrests and brain strokes because of the intense cold climate.

According to doctors cardiac problems have also increased because of the cold wave. On Thursday around 723 heart patients reached the emergency and OPD, control room of the Cardiology Institute in Kanpur.

According to doctors, during extreme cold, there is a sudden increase in blood pressure that may cause blood clotting resulting in heart attack and brain attack.

Seventeen of the 25 who died due to cold could not get any medical aid. Around 41 patients suffering from a heart attack or brain stroke were admitted in critical condition.

As per medical experts, patients having heart problems have to protect themselves from the cold. Heart attacks in cold weather are not restricted only to the elderly. Even teenagers can suffer heart attacks.

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