Don’t Miss…This Is The Best Time For Winter Trip To Nrusinghanath

Winter is a pleasure not just because its body brings eternal cool to civilization. It is a pleasure because it has the versatility to make its sense visible on everyone’s face.

Life kicks off with another charm after a long break and a picnic is the most decipherable thing which creates closeness.

Offering beautiful scenery and a fantastic experience, picnic spots in Odisha are a perfect choice for a spectacular holiday vacation.

Nrusinghanath is a famous place in Padampur Sub Division at a distance of 150 km far from Bargarh.

Every year it attracts a huge gathering. Festivals take place here on the occasions of Solar & Lunar eclipses too. It is also a popularly favoured destination for picnic trips.

In the Temple which is surrounded on all sides by incredible natural beauty, Vishnu is worshipped as Marjara Keshari.

The Temple of Nrusinghanath is situated at the
bottom of Gandhamardan Mountain which is approximately 3,234 feet high.

Baijaldev, the 8th Chouhan King of Patna had built the Temple. An Inscription on one of the Stone walls of the Temple shows the history related to its construction.

The Government of Odisha has accorded the status of a tourist spot to this place.

The description of Huen Tsang says that it was a Buddhist spot in the past known as Parimalagiri.

There is historical evidence that the Buddhist Shramana Nagarjuna lived here in the past.

There flows a fountain near the temple which takes different names at different places in its course such as Kapil Dhar, Bhim Dhar, Chal Dhar, Sita Kund & Go Kund.

The topmost point of the mountain Gandhamardan is known as Bhim Madua.

Needless to say, the best time to visit is between November to March. So, what are you waiting for? Plan a trip this winters and you may get lucky enough to build a snowman yourself.

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