Kami Rita of Nepal Climbs Mount Everest 30th Time to Set New Record

A new world record was set by Nepali Sherpa climber and guide Kami Rita Sherpa on Wednesday as he climbed Mount Everest thirtieth time. It is the highest number of time any person has climbed the highest mountain in the world.

“This morning at 7:49 am, Kami Rita Sherpa broke his own record he had set just nine days earlier. This marks his 30th ascent to the top of the world,” Khimlal Gautam, Chief of the Expedition Monitoring and Facilitation Field Office confirmed on Wednesday.

Kami Rita has climbed Mount Everest for the second time within a week. Earlier on May 12 he had reached the top of the peak. The 54-year-ols Sherpa climber, Kami Rita is working as Senior Guide at Seven Summit Treks.

In 1992, he started his mountaineering career as a support staff member an Everest expedition.

He has also climbed other peaks, including K2, Cho Oyu, Lhotse, and Manaslu.

Till now around to 7,000 mountaineers have climbed Everest from Nepal. Tenzing Norgay Sherpa and New Zealander Edmund Percival Hillary were the first men set foot on the world’s highest peak in May 1953.

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