AIIMS Launches AI Platform for Early Cancer Detection

New Delhi: AIIMS, New Delhi, in collaboration with the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC), Pune, has launched, an AI platform aimed at early cancer detection, as per an official statement.

The Lancet (2019) highlighted cancer as a leading global cause of mortality, surpassing cardiovascular issues in high and middle-income countries. According to Global Cancer Observatory (GLOBOCAN) estimates for 2020, India ranked third in incident cancer cases, with projections indicating a 57.5% rise by 2040. In 2022, over 8 lakh cancer-related deaths occurred in India due to late detection, emphasizing the need for early diagnosis.

The platform employs AI to analyze complex medical data, including radiological and histopathological images, enhancing diagnostic accuracy. Initially focused on breast and ovarian cancers, it has been successfully implemented at AIIMS and five district hospitals, showcasing significant success during a recent Med-Hackathon event. The platform’s user-friendly design and high accuracy garnered praise from experts, prompting AIIMS to explore partnerships with other cancer hospitals and research centres.

In a separate development, AIIMS, in collaboration with the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology and CDAC, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Directorate General of Employment (DGE) to address challenges faced by patients with disabilities due to rheumatological disorders. The MoU aims to provide institutionalized support for economic upliftment, skill certification, and vocational rehabilitation, reducing caregiver burden and improving overall quality of life for patients.

Prof (Dr) Uma Kumar, representing AIIMS, commended the efforts of the Director General of Employment, MoLE, towards the employment of persons with disabilities. Rheumatological disorders, ranked among the top 10 reasons for total disability, pose significant challenges, including societal stigma and financial burdens.

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