STF Rescues Live Pangolin in Rayagada Dist, 2 Wildlife Smugglers Arrested

Bhubaneswar: The Special Task Force (STF) rescued a live pangolin in Rayagada district and arrested two wildlife criminals for possessing it.

The arrested persons were identified as Samsan Raita (45), and Asmin Sabar (28). They were nabbed during a raid by the STF officials in Padmapur police station area on Berhampur-Rayagada NH- 326 on Saturday.

The arrested persons were booked under Indian Penal Code sections 379, 411, 120(B) and Section 51 of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972.

The rescued pangolin was handed over to the Rayagada DFO. Pangolin is a schedule-I protected animal under the Wild Life Protection Act, 1972.

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