Tamil Nadu Assembly Passes Resolution to Scrap NEET Amid Controversy

Chennai: The Tamil Nadu Assembly unanimously passed a resolution on Friday, urging the Centre to scrap the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) in the state. The resolution proposes admitting medical students based on their Class 12 marks instead.

Chief Minister MK Stalin led the move, citing NEET’s negative impact on rural students’ medical aspirations. The resolution argues that NEET undermines school education and interferes with state rights in medical college admissions. Opposition parties, including the BJP, walked out before the vote.

“Several leaders, including Rahul Gandhi, Akhilesh Yadav, and Tejasvi Surya, have called for a NEET ban. I urge the Assembly to pass this resolution as a step towards NEET exemption for Tamil Nadu and its nationwide removal,” Stalin stated.

The Assembly requests the central government to amend the National Medical Commission Act to eliminate NEET nationwide.

Political debate ensued over which party introduced NEET, with conflicting claims from Congress and BJP members.

The NEET-UG 2024 examination has been mired in controversy, including allegations of a question paper leak, which sparked nationwide protests by student. The CBI, investigating the leak, made first arrests linked to the case on Thursday.

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