Dubai: Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan recently unveiled the trailer of his upcoming film “Jawan” in a spectacular event at Dubai’s iconic Burj Khalifa. During this grand reveal, Khan emphasized the universal appeal of cinema and surprised his fans by mentioning that they would witness him in a bald avatar for the first and last time in this movie.
Shah Rukh Khan, known for his immense popularity in the United Arab Emirates, has been actively promoting the film ahead of its release on September 7 in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu languages. At the event, he performed with a dance troupe to the film’s song “Zinda Banda,” joined by director Atlee and music composer Anirudh Ravichander.
Intriguingly, Khan revealed that “Jawan” will showcase him in “6 to 7 getups,” including the memorable bald look. He humorously urged his fans to watch the film in theaters, saying, “I even went bald for you all. At least, honour that and watch the film in theaters. You may or may not get another chance to see me bald.”
“Jawan” is a 2-hour and 45-minute film that promises a unique and entertaining experience. Khan shared his hopes that the audience would thoroughly enjoy all the elements presented in the movie.
The event saw the trailer of “Jawan” projected onto the iconic Burj Khalifa, and the team also launched the Arabic version of the film’s popular song “Chaleya.” Impressively, the promotional event drew a massive crowd of over 20,000 attendees, according to the film’s makers.
Shah Rukh Khan expressed the significance of “Jawan,” emphasizing its universal appeal. He highlighted the importance of entertainment transcending language, religion, and other boundaries, and noted that this film’s release in Tamil, Telugu, and the launch of an Arabic song marked a step in that direction.
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