After Parks, Now Afghan Women Can’t Enter Gyms Too

Kabul: After the Taliban’s morality police banning Afghan women from amusement parks in Kabul, the former has now issued a new diktat for them.

The women in Afghanistan will no longer use gyms.

According to an official in Kabul, the Taliban are banning women from using gyms in Afghanistan in a crackdown on women’s rights and freedoms since they took power more than a year ago.

A spokesperson for the Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (MPVPV) told the news agency Associated Press that the ban was being introduced because people were ignoring gender segregation orders and that women were not wearing the required headscarf, or hijab.

Meanwhile, it was unclear how the restrictions would work alongside a previous rule that said parks must be segregated by gender with some days set aside for women. The rule applied more generally to all public parks, including open spaces, and public baths.

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