Israel Regains Control Of Territories Near Gaza From Hamas Militants, Death Toll Crosses 1,100

Jerusalem: Israel has regained control of territories in the south where Hamas militants had infiltrated from Gaza, resulting in a conflict that has already claimed over 1,100 lives on both sides.

On Sunday, Israel declared war on Hamas, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledging to dismantle the group’s hideouts. In Gaza, which endured relentless Israeli airstrikes on that day, officials have reported at least 493 deaths.

Hamas launched thousands of rockets at Israel and sent fighters who targeted civilians and took hostages, adding to the gravity of the situation.

Israeli rescue service Zaka has reported recovering approximately 260 bodies from a music festival attacked by Hamas.

The UN Security Council received widespread condemnation of Hamas on Sunday, though the United States expressed regret over the lack of unanimity.

U.S. President Joe Biden has ordered additional support for Israel in response to the Hamas assault, directing the USS Gerald R. Ford aircraft carrier and a group of warships to the eastern Mediterranean. Washington is also bolstering fighter aircraft squadrons in the region.

According to senior members of Hamas and Hezbollah, Iran played a role in orchestrating the surprise attacks against Israel.

An Israeli airstrike in a Gaza refugee camp resulted in the tragic deaths of 19 members of a Palestinian family.

Islamic Jihad chief Ziad al-Nakhala revealed that his faction is holding more than 30 Israelis captive in Gaza.

Israeli forces were still engaged in battles with Hamas militants in various locations on Monday, despite more than 24 hours having passed since the initial Hamas assault. Tens of thousands of Israeli forces are deployed in the south.

Hamas has dubbed its attack “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood” and called on resistance fighters in the West Bank, as well as Arab and Islamic nations, to join the battle. Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh has expressed confidence in victory and the continuation of the struggle to liberate occupied territories and imprisoned Palestinians.

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